Faith, Law, & Learning: Our Year in Review
Presentation Ministry Center embraces the various challenges and opportunities that come hand in hand with serving our immigrant community. As a faith-based non-profit echoing the values of our Foundress, Nano Nagle, we believe in a holistic, adaptable, and collaborative approach. We take pride in providing a welcoming environment that not only supports the integration of immigrants but also celebrates the diversity and dynamism they bring to our society. Our services are strength-based and designed to be culturally competent, tailoring to the specific needs of the individuals we serve. I invite you to join us in carrying forth our mission into the future and to be the light in the lives of our immigrant brothers and sisters.
Faith vs. The Law
Advocacy in Action
It is evident that we live in a polarized socio-political climate that further exacerbates the humanitarian crisis of our border communities and beyond. There is a deep divisiveness on weather non-profits should continue to aid immigrants in Texas. This is rooted in part to half truths showcased on social media and other venues of mass information. Those of us at the forefront of providing services to immigrants face the threat of legal action constantly and operate within an ever growing circle of scrutiny that questions our compliance with immigration laws.
As a faith-based non-profit, Presentation Ministry Center has reconciled its faith, which calls us into action in favor of those seeking safety and a better life, with immigration laws. We rest in the notion that when twe teach them English, when we help them recover documents from their countries of origin, when provide trauma counseling services, when we help them navigate the intricate process of applying for asylum, residency, or citizenship, when we sit down and share a meal together as fellow human beings, we do so 100% out of love and adherence to gospel values.
Presentation Ministry Center (PMC) does not advocate for anyone to break immigration laws or any law in general. But, we are not in the business of politics or law enforcement. We are in the business of caring for the poor and marginalized in ways that our faith calls us to do so. Our work with immigrants starts when they are already in United States soil.
We stand in solidarity with other faith-based non-profits who, like us, leverage their resources to fill in the gaps left by city and county government when it comes to addressing the needs of the immigrants.
“He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt.” — Deuteronomy 10:18-19
Educational Programs & Services
Building a Brighter Future Together
We take pride in the strides we have made over the past school year in supporting the immigrant community. Our diverse programs are not just about education; they are about fostering personal growth and nurturing a sense of belonging. In alignment with Nano Nagle’s enduring belief, “Not words, but deeds,” we have continued to provide a variety of services aimed at uplifting and empowering individuals. From educational courses that enhance skills to personal development workshops, our initiatives are designed to create a community where everyone can thrive. Join us as we celebrate the achievements of the 2024-2024 school year and look forward to continuing our mission of service and community-building.